Directed by Peter Jackson
Evil claymation monkeys, horny zombies doing the horizontal mambo, a massive Oedipal monstrosity busting through the roof, zombies being mowed down by a hoisted lawnmower resulting in copious sprays of viscera, and yes, a heartwarming romantic subplot- this sick puppy is a deliriously over the top landmark in horrors messiest manifestation, the splatter film. It's a juvenile gross-out that may be best enjoyed by the younger set with a hankering for something ridiculous and disgusting but I must admit that films like these have a way of putting me back in touch with my inner teenager. It makes me want to buy a stack of comic books, sniff glue and spray paint the red brick walls of a convent. While it may not drive you to delinquency it surely won't trouble you with any deep thoughts. It's just comic book gore and lots of it. Peter Jackson was also responsible for the super stoopid gross out "Meet the Feebles" but don't waste your time with that Muppet inspired misfire. "Dead Alive" is the one to see.
Directed by Peter Jackson

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