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Wednesday, August 23, 2006

An Introduction

(The following incarnation of "Johnny Refund's Dreadful 69" was originaly published in 2003 on the Mephisto Waltz website, and although a couple years out of date, and according to the author "in need of a massive overhaul," I still feel it has enough relavance to be worthwhile posting here) --- Your ever loving editor

I could blame it all on Sir Graves Ghastly. As an awkward and pale little boy I saw him rise out of his velvet lined coffin, heard his sinister laugh and felt a stirring of excitement deep inside that reverberates through me to this day. I never saw Sir Graves in person, only on the big bulky television in my parent's house, but when that coffin lid creaked open on Saturday afternoons I was planted against good advice just a few feet from the screen anxious to see what new horror classic my hero was going to dust off. Sir Graves was a fixture on Detroit television (Channel 2, WJBK) through the 1970's and into the early 1980's. He, like other horror show hosts in other cities, introduced brave children to the misty and menacing world of the old cobweb classics, wheeling out Dracula, Frankenstein's monster, the Mummy and the Werewolf in front of our fascinated eyes, finishing each treat by climbing back into his coffin and wishing us "Happy haunting!" before letting the lid drop for another seven days. Later I would discover horror in literature and horror in music but my introduction to the genre was movies. The following list is a document of my favorites as of the Halloween season, 2003. These are just favorites, just opinions, and what has been pointed out about the common element of opinions and assholes is true- everybody has one. So administer yourself that grain of salt right now. Monsters are coming and monsters are here. The ghosts have found the staircase and that's where they will drift. The Devil is shining up his pitchfork with a greasy rag and the sleep of reason is commencing. So, my dear, remove that batch of garlic that's hanging by your window and let's get down to business.


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